Cozy Chat: What is Adobo?

Cozy Chat: What is Adobo?

Raquel here with your next cozy read. Really! Arsenic & Adobo by Mia P. Manansala. Out May 4th!

Arsenic and Adobo by Mia P. Manansala: 9780593201671 | Books

If you are an avid reader of culinary cozies then you have probably heard about this hotly awaited debut. It is getting rave reviews from being the Book of the Month read to Cosmopolitan magazine to being the Library Reads pick for May. I was lucky enough to read an early version of the story and I can tell you it is fabulous. You will fall in love with Lila, Tita Rosie, all the Aunties, and especially Longganisa, the Dachshund. Yes, the pup is named after a sausage. Oh, and did I mention the food? There is so much food in this mystery that you will be hungry. (Psst…You should sign-up for Mia’s newsletter which is full of recipes and fun.)

Which brings me to my original question–What is Adobo? In my Cuban/Puerto Rican household it is a spice blend. But in Filipino cooking it is a marinate method. It is practically the national dish of the Philippines.

Drop a note in the comments if you have had it. Or share a link to a video demo of how to prepare it. And put Arsenic & Adobo on your TBR list!

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