Potluck: Plotting Murder

Potluck: Plotting Murder

Raquel here.

There’s a coffee mug that says “Please do not annoy the writer, she may put you in a book and kill you.” This is true and accurate advise. For the record, there is at least one character (or two) in Mango, Mambo, and Murder that is my sweet revenge for wrongs done IRL. <maniacal laugh>

Another aspect of a mystery writer’s life is that every outing and new experience is an opportunity to plot a murder. Such was the case this weekend. My husband asked me to come with him to watch an archery practice. He is not an archer but he wants to be one. His bow has been ordered and the tutorials on YouTube have been viewed. It was a lovely breezy day in Miami, perfect for sitting outside, so I said sure.

And I am so glad I did! The archery range is in the middle of the city on the edge of a golf course. As I watched the ranger, he’s the person in charge of safety, so many what if scenarios popped into my brain. There will definitely be a death by stray (or not so stray) arrow in one of my upcoming novels.

The ranger calls “Hot.” That is the permission to shoot. Target practice begins.

Then, after a few minutes when everyone has emptied their quivers, he calls “Cold.” Everyone puts their bow on its stand and it is clear to retrieve the arrows from the targets.

But what if… Are you thinking like a mystery writer yet?


Raquel V. Reyes’s own voices cozy mystery will be in stores October 12th, 2021. Add Mango, Mambo, and Murder to your GoodReads list now.

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