Raquel: The Countdown

Raquel: The Countdown

My debut cozy will be out in the world officially on October 12th. So, at the time of this posting that is exactly one week away. That is bananas. BANANAS! Or should I say MANGOS?

Video of books on a shelf with mambo music playing.

If getting a big box of your own book wasn’t the coolest thing ever, (Play the silly video above. And check my Instagram for my unboxing video.) I got a huge surprise last week when Mango, Mambo, and Murder was reviewed in the New York Times! They said nice things about it and I got tons of congratulatory messages from friends, peers, and fans. That was BANANAS! I mean MANGOS! (I’m going to make that a thing!)

So to celebrate my luck and to keep the good vibes going, I am giving away a hardcopy of Mango, Mambo, and Murder. (USA/PR shipping) To enter for a chance to win the book comment below with your favorite Halloween Candy. I will draw the winner at random on Nov 1st, 2021. (If it is your 1st time commenting on the site it might take 24 hrs for your comment to be approved and appear. So don’t worry if you don’t see it instantly, but do check back in a day.)

While I have you here be sure to sign up for my newsletter.

UPDATE: The winner was drawn at random and it is commenter Carli.

6 thoughts on “Raquel: The Countdown

  1. Congratulations on the great review!

    My favorite Halloween candy would be 5th Avenue chocolate bars!

  2. Congratulations on the new…it’s on my TBR list. My favorite Halloween candy is miniature peanut butter cups.

  3. Congratulations! My favorite Halloween candy is the Reese’s peanut butter pumpkins. I get them every October!

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